School And Corporate Checkups
awareness regarding oral health and oral hygiene practices
We at Kiran dental and orthodontic care believe that dental care should not be limited to only a privileged few and extend our services to the community as much as we can. We also carry out school and corporate check ups regularly so that awareness regarding oral health and oral hygiene practices is created and reinforced. With regular check ups, we bust a lot of myths individuals have, addressing their dental problems before they become intensive and help them save money too.
Frequently Asked Questions
In case of your tooth popping off, quickly preserve it in a milk jar or polybag with milk and call us immediately for the emergency appointment.
When you call us to take the emergency appointment, we take most of the patient's history over the phone and decide whether or not to give any medication and which ones to give at all. Self medication is absolutely discouraged as there are few cases where the painkiller or antibiotic can cause more complications.

Request An Appointment
At Kiran Dental & Orthodontic Care, we’re committed to making the appointment process as painless as possible. To request an appointment, simply click the button below. You can also schedule an appointment by calling your preferred Kiran Dental location and speaking with one of our team members.